Wednesday Night Sailing
Join us for Wednesday night sailing from 5:00 to 7:30 pm. First sail is __ June 2020.
The Plan:
- Meet at the club around 5:00 pm to rig the boats
- First tow begins at 5:30 pm
- We will start the return tows around 7:00 pm and try to wrap up around 7:30 pm.
The Rules:
- We will not have the support of the full WYC JSP committee; so each junior sailor will need adult supervision.
You may drop your sailor off at the club, but you must have arranged for an adult to watch them (perhaps another parent that is staying to watch their child). - This activity is open to all WYC JSP sailors (a signed liability waiver is required).
Keep in Mind:
- Parents may sail, ride in a chase boat, operate their own boat, or watch from the gas dock (bring a chair).
- Sailors should bring water, and a change of clothes.
Whats Needed:
- We need 2 or 3 adults that can operate a power boat, to run the chase boats, and 1 or 2 adults to monitor activities at the Sailing Center.
- If you can volunteer, please contact me prior to Wednesday evening.
The WYC JSP will supply the boats; parents need to be present with their sailors.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Peter Esposito
[email protected]